The Bible
This is the Word of God given to us for truth, to tell us when we are wrong, to correct our path, and for instruction. The Bible itself is Scripture, and there is no other book or document which carries the same authority. It is divinely inspired and free from error in the original manuscripts.
There is one God who is Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer, and Lord and King over all the universe. He has existed eternally, self-existing, as our triune God in Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity is distinct and personal without division of nature, essence, or being. To Him, all the glory of the universe is due. Out of Him proceeds all truth and is perfect in every way.
The Father
God the Father is infinite, personal, and spirit. He is all powerful, all knowing, and all loving. The Father saves all those who turn to and believe in the atoning work of His Son Jesus Christ.
The Son – Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. In addition to His full divinity, He was born of the virgin Mary becoming fully human as well. He atoned for our sins through the atonement as a sinless man, was raised again in bodily form from the dead, and will one day return. He is our mediator and intercessor.
The Holy Spirit
The third person of the Trinity, His presence dwells in all those who believe in the atoning work of Jesus Christ. He has inspired the authors of the Bible and convicts men of sin. He is the promise of our bodily redemption, and he gifts believers for the work God’s kingdom through the church.
The Gospel
This is the Good News of what Jesus Christ has already done and not something to be done. It is the message of righteousness that Jesus Christ has paid the price for all our sins and offers righteousness and eternal life as a gift to all who believe.
The Church
It exists in two forms: universal and local. The universal church is the group of people all throughout history who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ alone and have been made new. The local church is a group of believers who gather together for worship, performing the ordinances, reading of Scripture, and making disciples of all nations.